Design Sprint
LeonBurg, Elisa Moder, Elias Sautter, Jannes Daur,

Cooking in a group can be a hassle. Most of the time, members are excluded or simply don’t have the expertise to help.Furthermore, many tasks can only be completed be an individual, which automatically restricts assisting partakers to the role of a bystander.

Since the act of cooking is hands on, a correspondingly analog solution to the problem makes the most sense. Developing a product that avoids the need to constantly use smartphones during a shared cooking experience, would simultaneously stimulate discussion as well as collaboration.Equally important to us was developing an experience that would encourage cooking in a playful manner. These criteria sprouted our vision to create a card game, that subtly dictates the evening and stimulates participants to actively partake at all times.

Parat allows for a fun and engaging way to cook a pre-determined dish. Each step and the recipe itself has been precisely adapted for the card game. The instruction cards feature a corresponding illustration of the task to be completed. These are distributed evenly among all players and finished in their corresponding order. In addition, each player receives three Parat cards, which are divided into three categories: Exchange, Quiz, and Penalty.To distinguish them from the instruction cards, the Parat cards are black with light-colored text. These aim to fill in the gaps, where players don’t have a task that they are working on and add a second dimension to the cooking experience. In addition, instruction, ingredients, and equipment cards are also included. After all cards have been sorted according to step number, cooking can commence.